October 1st to 5th, 2025
Payment due date - February 15th, 2025
THANK YOU Markus and Thierry!!! They have managed to negotiate a revisision that will allow 72 teams to compete in this year's Margarita.
We are still looking for some teams that can curl on Wednesday, October 1st. It will be 2 games on that day and no games on Thursday for this group. Please email me at MargaritaCurlingClub@Outlook.com if your team will be available to curl at 1 pm on Wednesday.
NOTE: Anyone looking to book the Best Western will need to contact Thierry (th.agius@sfr.fr). A block of rooms is reserved in his name.
If you want to participate in this year's event and do not have a team, register as a Single Player. We often need additional players.
Cost for event:
740 EUR
700 CHF
790 USD
1100 CAD
Extra Players and Guests:
145 EUR
140 CHF
160 USD
215 CAD
Team Roster for 2025 Paris Margarita
Another Trip Around the Sun: Margaritas NY
Badgers with Brooms
Barrel Aged Margarita's
Bernese Bears
CC Haut Jura
Coyotes Like Margaritas
Cracked Canoedians
Crazy Sweepers
Crushed Ice
Da Bears
Denver Red Rockers
Eiger Mönch & Margarita
Enchanté Margaritas
Golden Margaritas
House Hippos
Hurry Hard, Stone-Cold Margaritas
Les Conta Op’Traken
Les Conta Roselette
Lost Shaker of Salt
Mad City Margaritas
Margarita Berne
Margarita CanAm Rox
Margarita EH!
Margarita Family
Margarita Frogs
Margarita Gray
Margarita LBI
Margarita Mischief
Margarita Mixed
Margarita Mixer
Margarita No Salt
Margarita on the Rocks
Margarita Schwiitzerdütsch
Margarita SCO/USA
Margarita Sheet Disturbers
Margarita Slackers
Margarita Turtles
Margarita WY&G
MayPlain Typsy Margaritas
McGregor Magaritas
Mile High Rocks
MUMSIE Margarita
Old Bay Margaritas
Old Fashioned Margaritas
Ontario Margaritas
Philadelphia Margarita
Plane Margaritas
Polar Bear Margaritas
Rather Die Than Be Dry
Rock your world
Scot Squad
Smooth Blend
Suspicious Stanes
The Immigrants
The Lime Sliders
The Outsliders
The Remarkables
The Runback of Notre Dame
The Short and Curlers
The Women to Blame
Usual Suspects
Windy City Margarita
Winterpeg Margaritas
Monaco Forest