The Margarita Curling Club is a not for profit organization consisting of a group of people from around the world who come together yearly to curl for the old values of the game; fair play, friendship on and off the ice and international goodwill. It was founded more than 25 years ago and, as of 2024 has grown to include 700 people from 26 countries on 4 continents. The goal of the organization is to promote the enjoyment of the game without the politics normally found in an international competition. Our mandate is to ensure every participant has the opportunity to meet other curlers and to enjoy their time in the local host community.
The Margarita Curling Club was born at a meeting of
Markus Fischer
Chris Robinson
Gordon Lyon
Stephen Hinds
in Sina’s Pub in Wengen, Switzerland in December 1992 as an alternative to the politics of National Curling Associations and as a means of finding like-minded curlers who wanted to curl for the old old values of the game, fair play, friendship on and off the ice and international goodwill. Since that date and early 1992 when the Club was formalized, membership has grown as the philosophy of the members has spread throughout Europe and beyond. Among the high points in the Club’s short history have been the 14-member tour to the Brandon World Championships in 1995, the running of our own Margarita Cocktail Bar at the World Championships in Berne, Switzerland in 1997 which smashed the record for monies taken during the week (not to mention the livers of the customers!) and our formal recognition by the Royal Caledonian Curling Club in June 1999.
The Club moved forward into the New Millennium with a large gathering at the Glasgow 2000 Worlds in April, an annual Margarita bonspiel alternating between the members countries and further in the future. From a small shot of Tequila, a large cocktail has been mixed with Members in Vancouver in the West to Auckland in the East and under the influence of President Chris Robinson (who is frequently under the influence), the Mix is only going to get stronger.
What Time is It?